There are around 900 Engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu which produce around 4 lakh engineering graduates every year. For most of them the dream destination is Bangalore closely followed by Hyderabad and Chennai. Every year around 1 lakh engineers come to Bangalore either for pursuing their job or in search of their job. Assuming 40% of the inflow gets settled in a decent job in 2yrs( a pessimistic score. Actual averages are much higher) , their families start coming to the city which accounts to around 3*0.4*1lakh =1.2 lakh, a quite alarming number for any city.
Vivekanand Sharma, a friend of mine told me that there are around 400 lakes in and around Bangalore some 10 years back. There are now 80 lakes and most of them are dying.This created huge problem for water. There is old bangalorian saying "It rains every evening in Bangalore", which is actually the case in Bangalore. Even this can't save the ground water table of the city from dipping to alarmingly low levels.
With the flux of IT companies and inflow of people, there is need for wider roads and huge housing projects. This resulted in cutting down of trees, which are traditionally part of bangalore ("Green Bangalore").
As far as I could see, there are 3 major problems
1. Pollution: Both Environmental and Sound forms due to increase in motor vehicles and human activity (improper disposal of wastes, increase in co2 levels etc).
2. Huge Pressure on Natural Resources: this increased the prices of the essential commodities which makes it the costly place in India. ( Cost per ltr of petrol is highest in Bangalore in India)
3. Degradation of Human values: with increase in prices, people are more concerned in earning more and more money. Compassion, honesty, kindness kind of words are stored in Marvin's auxiliary memory. Get a e-copy of H2G2 for accessing it or contact sirius cybernatic corparation for a backup copy of it.
The only way out of this fix is to develop the secondary towns, and to imbibe a feeling of self respect and mutual co-operation in people.
1 comment:
Adding to all that, I would say the kind of mutiual co-operation and self-respect you are talking abt is a very huge impossibility. The reason is quite simple and straight forward. The economic imbalance being created by IT is the reason. The day I got job, when I told my father abt the details of salary and benefits, he felt very happy. I was ashamed. He teaches. The amount of struggle he puts in to shape an individual is much more than the amount of struggle I put in my job. I am still ashamed!!! Is there a way to bring about the economic balance? Will India - where sectism (in the sense of haves and have-nots) has been existing for a long time, will such economic balance be possible without the help of the jack-ass communists?? God only knows!!!
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