Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nuke Deal gets Go

Nuke deal gets the GO from Indian parliament( ohh I am sorry I should say from cong. party and Hawala brokers like Amar singh as there is no such parliament system now).

US gets the green flag to unravel its plan for getting India under its control. Petty politicians (esp. the cong.) under its able Italian leader turn a deaf ear to this. India already have nuclear technology. It even have a fast breeder reactor. Many of Indian scientists are in US now working their asses of. It is the result of their work we are going to get back now with hell lot of conditions. Had it not been for these unwanted reservations in every field (including sensitive defense and national security issues) they would have served India. Russia is willing to give India a unconditional support on nuclear technology for power. WTF??? Nuclear technology is nuclear technology whether it is from Russia or from US.

I suspect the top UPA leaders might have got billions of dollars for pushing the deal and letting US companies( Trivia: Three fourth of the world's oil at first hand is marketed by GW Bush Associates) rule the Indian Power Industry.

1 comment:

CodeNameV said...

ridiculous, this!!!! i cant think of a better way to insult the people of the nation. This is Democracy for you...packaged italian way!!!!