Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Movie Review: Curious Case of Benjiman Button

Last Weekend I happened to watch curious case of benjiman button. The story is quite exciting and the cast performed very well. Imagine if a person is born old and ages in the reverse direction. Great show by Brad Pitt. His acting is in this feature will stand as his personal best.

Thought provoking movie which shows the importance of time, strength and what life has to offer.
High chance of winning an oscar.

1 comment:

CodeNameV said...

The only complaint i have with this movie is that the story teller Scott Fitzgerald seems to be saying that "when you are young, go and have fun with ladies". Who benifitted from Bejamin Button? Absolutely nobody. in this regard, I would like to cite Forrest Gump where Forrest actually helps a lot of people in his journey and he himself goes on to have a lot of fun and love in life. Benjamin Button goes on to be another indivualistic discourse, not unlike Scott Fitzgerald's works, where the bottom line turns out to be "u matter to u. u dont need to care about others", which is absolute rubbish and this makes Benjamin a case of free-loader!!!

But I have to agree the idea is absolutely brilliant!! Imagine an old man with the mind of a child, the enthu he might have but the difficulty he faces in channeling that enthu into action!!!