Happened to revisit a old you tube video on North Korea. Very long documentary but worth watching
I feel sorry for the poor souls who are starving because of a regime that wants tight control on its people. Now that their 2nd great leader, Kim Jong Il is summoned by Gods to help them in their heavenly abode(well propaganda machina can create and destroy any thing out of blue) , I pray that those tormented souls in North Korea get some food to eat, place to live and basic medical facilities in the new regime.
Assuming you watched this video and understood the propaganda work, let us consider a more Indian scenario. Our very own great leader , first prime minister of India loves children very much and hence we celebrate 14th Nov every year as 'Children's day'. Out of the 7 years of my schooling, I have never read a instance of our beloved leader being interested in Children's business. These are the very textbooks our government prepared to educate the future of India carefully editing out the unwanted and uncomfortable history. Then why isn't even a single instance of how our beloved leader loved kids elucidated in those books. The way this propaganda machinery deviced this beautiful tale makes me wonder : Are we any different from those people living their lives cut off from the world , believing the words from the books on their face value?.
May be I know too little ! Any comments and references to this are most welcome.